Healing the Inner Child


An extraordinary two day course to heal your inner child to release old wounds and transform your life. 

Within each of us, there is a younger part that retains the emotions, experiences, trauma & vulnerabilities of our unique childhood. This is often referred to as 'Our Inner Child' and is in fact a representation of our individual's past self, particularly our early years.

This inner child carries unresolved or unhealed wounds into adulthood which can manifest as emotional triggers, negative patterns of behaviour, difficulties in forming healthy relationships, inability to create a happy and balanced future and so on. 

Through our 2-day course we hold a safe space for you to deeply connect with these fragmented and separated parts of yourself, helping you to identify, acknowledge, and heal your inner child's wounds. 

Next Course: Coming Soon

Course Delivery: Online

Cost: $650

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The course includes

  • Exercises to unlock the patterns, beliefs and emotional wounds rooted in your childhood experiences, supporting you to make immense shifts to live in a more empowered way.
  • Understanding the childhood archetypes that you have developed and anchored within you, clearing, and freeing the blocks and controls bringing you into more creativity, resilience, joy, and playfulness.
  • Meditations & channeled exercises to connect with Your Inner Child for healing and clearing.
  • Fun exercises to reconnect with your Inner Child, providing the self-care, love, and nurturing your Inner Child may have lacked during your childhood, increasing self-compassion and emotional resilience.
  • Powerful exercises to cut the negatives ties and energies releasing past experiences, people, genetic conditioning, ancestral patterns giving you freedom to create the life you desire.
  • Using practical tools and workbooks creating channeled positive self-affirmations, key messages and information from your guides to help you visualize and anchor into your field your future dreams and visions.

This course is a truly invaluable experience and we would love you to join us as you connect with your true self and embrace inner peace.

Next Course: Coming Soon

Course Delivery: Online

Cost: $650

Join Waitlist

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Creating a foundation of unity, love and support,  where you receive healing, channeling, inspiration and knowledge, whilst we collectively raise the vibration on Earth. 

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