Divine Feminine  + Divine Masculine


Awakening The Sacred Balance: Harnessing & Activating the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within you!

Welcome to "Awakening the Sacred Balance: Harnessing and Activating the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Within You," a transformative journey like no other. In this pivotal moment of history, join us and a collective of like-minded souls as we delve into the timeless dance between the primal forces of nature — the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine residing within each of us.

Throughout this two-day immersive experience, you'll unlock the infinite wisdom of these energies, guiding them back to their natural state of balance. Imagine leaving our course embodying these sacred forces of nature, tapping into higher wisdom, and achieving true harmony within. As you reflect these inner shifts out into your environment, you'll create profound ripples of change within your families and broader communities.

Perhaps you've felt the struggle of disconnecting from your authentic self, burdened by the myriad expectations placed upon you to conform to societal norms. Maybe you've found yourself overwhelmed by the constant juggling act of career, family, and social responsibilities, yearning for a deeper sense of purpose and fulfilment in your life. If you've sensed a quiet undercurrent of dissatisfaction or experienced emotional exhaustion and physical burnout, know that you're not alone.

Our foundational course serves as a critical step on your journey toward reclaiming your power and reconnecting with the joy and passion that lie dormant within you. Through introspective exploration and transformative practices, you'll identify areas of disempowerment, release past regrets, and reignite your zest for life. Join us as we embark on this profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment together.


What to expect

Join us for this two-day journey of self-discovery and



Date: 28th & 29th September 2024

Time: 9:30 - 4:30pm

Location: Ascension Room Merkaba Studio Cheltenham: 15 Mills St Cheltenham, Vic , 3192

Cost: $750
(Earlybird price $650 - before 31st August 2024)


Express your interest

We'd love to let you know when we have all the details for the next available courses - so please feel free to add your details below and let us know which location you're interested in attending and we will be in touch.


If you'd like to know more about the Divine Feminine + Divine Masculine course and how you can reclaim your power, book a free discovery call with one of our facilitators.